Trans.lation Vickery Meadow


Trans.lation Vickery Meadow is a collaborative project founded by Rick Lowe of Project Row Houses in an immigrant, refugee, African American, and Latinx neighborhood in Dallas, Texas, that utilizes arts and culture as a form of community development. From 2015-2017, I produced projects in collaboration with community members as the director and the artist-in-residence. Projects included:

  • Education Is Not A Crime: Mural created in collaboration with Sina Sarvestani and other members of the Ba’hai Junior Youth group of Vickery Meadow to bring attention to Iranian Ba’hais who experience persecution.
  • Trans.lation Community Radio: Arabic and English radio program created in collaboration with Afrah Alakhali. The radio station included profiles of residents, interviews with service providers, and world news updates.
  • Trans.plant: A community chef training program featuring catering and vending opportunities. Since its inception in 2015, Trans.plant has generated over $20,000 in revenue for local chefs from Eritrea, Iraq, Mexico, Pakistan, and the U.S., inspiring subsequent projects like Break Bread, Break Borders.
  • Zine-X: A feminist zine group co-led with teens from the neighborhood. Zine-X has produced series such as Humans of Vickery Meadow and Girl Gaze.