2020 – present
Spa Embassy is a speculative healing project in collaboration with Carrie Marie Schneider. Spa Embassy facilitates access to bodywork for queer, femme, BIPOC, cash-poor folks, and those defecting from carceral whiteness as a radical act of decommodifying community healing. Spa Embassy currently offers a map with access information to the spas of the world, and Spa Residencies, or free short term stays in spas, for participants selected through a nomination system. Our eventual goal is to open up the best spa in the world, incorporating our extensive research into different healing practices and creative feedback from our Spa Residents. Projects include The Every Body Spa and Spa Residencies for Frontline Workers.
More info: spaembassy.org
Queer Spa Network emerged from The Every Body Spa project. Queer Spa Network (QSN) is a group of autonomous Queer artists and healers invested in rest, healing, and pleasure for our communities. We are brought together to exchange knowledge and collaborate on projects that serve our values and build empathetic communal relationships with our body, the land and waters, and one another. Queer Spa Network meets on a monthly basis to discuss topics centered around care, disability, bathing; organize regular bathing outings; and discuss potential public projects. The Queer Spa Network’s core team consists of Leo Alas, Carol Zou, Xixi Edelsbrunner, Ashle Fauvre, Andy Cao, and Mel Liu.