As a Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture Creative Strategist with the Department of Aging and Disability services, I work with 4 different senior and community centers in Los Angeles County District 1 to integrate arts, culture, and creative practice into the everyday operations of the center.
East L.A. Community Center: We developed a series of workshops in order to build community buy-in for an intergenerational community garden. The workshops culminated in a garden build day and a community-created zine. Collaborators: Leo Alas, Forever Dominguez, Marlene Aguilar, Daisy Echeverri, MoonJar Designs, Joel Garcia
Potrero Heights Senior and Community Center: We supported the center’s arts events, brought in guest artists to activate the outdoor ampitheater area, and created a vinyl installation showcasing the vibrant participants and contributors to Potrero Heights Senior and Community Center. Collaborators: Leo Alas, Forever Dominguez, Freedom Drum Circles, Boone Nguyen
San Gabriel Valley Service Center: We worked with center staff to initiate a cooking skillshare to bring together the different Chinese-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities at the center. We combined this intercultural work with language justice training. The cooking skillshare series culminated with the publication of a trilingual cookbook and a community feast. Watch the KCET Artbound feature on our work at the center here. Collaborators: Leo Alas, jen hofer, Forever Dominguez
Centro Maravilla Service Center: We developed a youth summer program and worked with youth on center improvement projects in order to “create a space for teens” as part of fulfilling the center’s intergenerational goals. Inspired by conversations with elders, youth proposed 1) a garden project inspired by a senior’s plant collection, 2) a door decoration project to improve wayfinding in the center, and 3) an interactive puzzle mural inspired by a senior’s love of puzzles. Collaborators: Leo Alas, Forever Dominguez, Genelle Brooks-Petty.